Simple Farms, LLC
The Simple Farms, LLC Podcast is about educating producers on the value and benefits of using this app for farm and ranch management. It is affordable, easily accessible, and user-friendly. It was created by a farmer for the farmer. Learn more about the development and how it is being used directly by producers throughout the year in our monthly interviews.
41 episodes
Episode 41 | Simple Farms, LLC | Scott Scheimer
At 100% no-till, Scott talks about how he manages his Eastern Colorado Farm along with sharing his optimism for the ag industry with a new administration coming in next month.

Episode 40 | Simple Farms, LLC | Scott Scheimer
It's nearing the end of harvest and the start of meetings and farm shows for Scott and his crew. Common questions answered on now the Simple Farms App, margin analysis tool is helping farmers across the US by simplifying their lives and saving ...

Episode 39 | Simple Farms, LLC Podcast | Scott Scheimer
Fall Harvest is moving right along at Scheimer Farms. Get a harvest update and find out what some of the plans are for next year. He will also explain how the Simple Farms, LLC app makes his life and so man...

Episode 38 | Simple Farms, LLC | Scott Scheimer
What's going on at Scheimer Farms? Tune in and get an update on harvest and planting, the shrimping, and new things coming your way in the Simple Farms, LLC App, the premier margin analyses tool.

Episode 37 | Simple Farms, LLC | Scott Scheimer
Farm economics are tough and moisture levels have been low. Today, Scott Scheimer, Eastern Colorado farmer and owner and founder of the Simple Farms, LLC App gives an update on his farm, potential changes to the app, and how that benefits farme...

Episode 36 | Simple Farms, LLC Podcast | Julie Rider
The real boss joins Lorrie on the Simple Farms, LLC Podcast today! Julie Rider is a woman of many hats and really runs the show around there. Today she talks from her perspective on how and why the app is a must for farming operations.

Episode 35 | Simple Farms, LLC Podcast | Scott Scheimer
Now is the time with the volatile markets to look for rallies and market some corn bushels. The Simple Farms, LLC App, margin analyses tool can help you to sell in the black! Learn more about this ...

Episode 34 | Simple Farms, LLC Podcast | Scott Scheimer
It's planting season and a very busy time for farmers. Get a Schimer farms farming update and learn how the Simple Farms, LLC App (margin analyses tool) is making life easier for farmers across the US...

Episode 33 | Simple Farms, LLC Podcast | Scott Scheimer
Wheat is coming up, barley, sorghum and soybeans are going in the ground....it's a busy time for Scott Schiemer, owner of Scheimer Farms in Cheyenne Wells, Colorado. Today he talks about growing and planting conditions, the addition of a wind t...

Episode 32 | Simple Farms, LLC Podcast | Scott Scheimer
Did you know that the Simple Farms, LLC app is a margin analysis tool that was created for farmers by a farmer? Today, Scott Scheimer gives a farm and conditions update on his Cheyenne Wells, Colorado Farm ...

Episode 31 | Simple Farms, LLC Podcast | Scott Scheimer
It's farm show season and Scott and the crew have been busy out and about at shows and meetings visiting with with farmers about the Simple Farms, LLC App (margin analysis tool). Scott shares highlight...

Episode 30 | Simple Farms, LLC Podcast | Scott Scheimer
With a new year here, now is the time to get your farm record in order, and what better way to do that than with the Simple Farms, LLC Margin analyses tool? Producers enjoy the ease of use...

Episode 29 | Simple Farms LLC | Scott Scheimer Talks about End of Year Farm Work and App Updates
As 2023 comes to an end, planting is almost complete with the exception of some rye on Scheimer Farms. It is also a good time to really make sure that producers analyze what their farm did for the year and make the Simple Farms App work for the...

Episode 28 | Simple Farms, LLC Podcast | Scott Scheimer
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Episode 27 | Simple Farms, LLC | Scott Schiemer
Get a fall farm and harvest update on today's episode, plus how this margin analysis tool is making bookkeeping easier and more time-efficient. The Simple Farms App takes the guessing out of decision-making...

Episode 26 | Simple Farms, LLC | Scott Scheimer
Simple Farms Margin Analyses help take the guesswork out of farming decisions. Once data is entered, you can track farm field history and make adjustments as needed. Creator and Founder, Scott Schieme...

Episode 25 | Simple Farms, LLC Podcast | Wheat Harvest Almost Done
Today, Simple Farms, LLC App creator and farmer, Scott Schiemer talks about the 2023 wheat crop and harvest, his first try at raising rye, and how he works with biologicals to improve his soil and yields outcome while making money with carbon s...

Episode 24 | Simple Farms LLC | Scott Scheimer: Corn Planting Continues
In today's show, Scott Scheimer talks about the large amount of rain that they have received in Eastern Colorado and how that is making corn planting challenging this year. He also talks about the progression of the Simple Farms LLC, App and wh...
Episode 24

Episode 23 | Simple Farms, LLC | Scott Scheimer
In this episode, we get a glimpse into what it is like to be on the Scheimer Farm during planting season and Scheimer highlights upgrades to the Simple Farms LLC App. He is also in his second season of shrimp production. A fun interview today w...

Episode 22 | Simple Farms LLC | Scott Scheimer on Farm Activity and Google Maps Rollout on App
It's a busy time of the year on the farm and the weather is making things even harder. Scott discusses that and the new Google Maps feature on the Simple Farms, LLC App. This Margin Analyses tool is gaining...

Episode 21 | Simple Farms LLC | Scott Scheimer Gives Simple Farms and Farm Updates
Scott talks about improvements and updates for the Simple Farms Margin Analyses tool and talks about happenings on Scheimer Farms in Cheyenne Wells, Colorado on today's show.

Episode 20 | Simple Farms, LLC Podcast | Founder, Scott Scheimer
A fun discussion today on new experiences for Simple Farms, LLC Creator, Scott Sheimer. He talked about his recent travels and shows that he is showcasing the financial analyses program at along...

Episode 19 | Simple Farms, LLC Podcast | Founder, Scott Scheimer
Get an update from Scott Scheimer, creator of the Simple Farms, LLC App on improvements of the app coming in 2023. He also shares what he learned about farming in a recent trip to Isreal and how...

Episode 18 | Simple Farms LLC | Founder, Scott Scheimer
Today, Simple Farms, LLC App creator, Scott Scheimer talks about how he is using the app for carbon credit paperwork just by plugging in numbers from the Simple Farms tool. He also talks about his new shrimp farm endeavor and the fact that he i...
Episode 18

Episode 17 | Simple Farms, LLC Podcast | Founder, Scott Scheimer
Harvest is nearing completion, grain is in the bin and now is the time to analyze how you have done on the farm. Input numbers, expenses and hypothetical situations with this easy-to-use too. Learn more about the Simple Farms, LLC App and how i...